Why Get Rid of Old Clothes When They Still Fit?
A well-assembled wardrobe represents an investment in terms of both effort and money. It took a lot to put those looks together, and those clothes probably still fit, so you should keep them as long as you can to get the most out of them, right? Not necessarily. Here are a few things to think about when you’re clearing out your closet and assessing your old clothes.
There’s more to looking good than just the way your clothes fit. Although proper tailoring and precise fit are certainly important, they’re not the only factors in whether or not an outfit looks good. Wear-and-tear and progression of trends can add a lot of age to your clothes, so even if they still fit, it might be time for certain items to go. If anything looks worn or hopelessly out-of-date, take it out of your closet and mark it for donation. If the whole point of caring about style is to look good, then there’s no sense in holding on to clothes that are past their prime.
Just because something fits in a general sense doesn’t mean it fits particularly well. You might stay the same basic size throughout your adult life, but as the years pass, you still go through changes in shape. Your body is almost certainly not the same as it was a decade ago, which means your clothes shouldn’t be, either. There are different styles that flatter different body shapes, and It’s worth updating to something that fits your body the way it is now, not the way it used to be.
Style evolves and you need to evolve with it. Looks that were the height of fashion many years ago are not the same things that look good to us today. It’s not about short-term fads, it’s about the evolution of style. Don’t think of style as a static thing; as time passes, fabrics become more advanced, and trends mature or get refreshed in a modern way. The more you can let go of the past and keep moving forward, the more you will be seen as ahead of the curve rather than behind the times.
Updating your wardrobe benefits everyone. When you clean out your closet and get rid of older clothes to make room for newer ones, not only will you have the excitement of a fresh, upgraded look, but you can also give back by donating your clothes to a good cause. This month, you can even recoup the value of your clothes by bringing them to our 22nd Annual Trade-In Sale.
From October 8th to November 4th, bring in your old suits, sport coats, slacks, shoes, and ties, and use the trade-in value to help you update your wardrobe to the latest looks. All the donated items and five percent of the proceeds benefit Goodwill. This is your chance to elevate your look and transform a life at the same time, so don’t wait!