Quality vs Quantity: It’s No Contest
In the clothing world, it is the end of the winter season and everything points to spring. As we mentioned in our last blog, the end of a season can be a good time to find discounted garments. Before you hit any sales, this is a good time to talk about a fundamental driving force at Davelle Clothiers- quality over quantity.
Quality is a word thrown around a lot in marketing, so what do we really mean? Let’s look at it just from the angle of longevity. When we say something will last a long time, we mean a really long time:
- A pair of fine leather shoes from Allen Edmonds: 10-15 years
- A Bespoke hand mastered suit from David’s Master Collection: 10-13 years
- An Eton shirt with fabrics made from the finest yarns: 5-7 years
- 100% silk tie from Italo Ferretti: forever!
- Hand finished denim from Alberto: 10+ years
Really think about what that means! How long do you keep your car? Your appliances? Your furniture? Could be less than the above. But you look at these purchases as investments.
Does quality cost more? Yes. We aren’t here to give you the cheapest products, we are here to give you designers and products with the best value for your investment. If you have the right pieces in your wardrobe, a little can go a long way.
So please, before you buy several items (whether they are on sale or not) that will not last, take that money and put it into attire that has true staying power. The quality will show and you and everyone else will know it!
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