Packing Light: Easy Travel for the Stylish Man

Packing Light: Easy Travel for the Stylish Man

We’ll soon be heading into the heavy travel season! It sounds fun if you’re just looking forward to vacation time, but if you already travel frequently in your regular daily life then it can quickly get exhausting. One way to reduce the stress associated with travel is to lighten your load and only take what you absolutely need, but this can be tricky if style is a priority for you. With that in mind, here are some tips to help you pack light and still look your best.

Be efficient with your outfits. This will be easy If you’re already in the habit of general wardrobe planning. Think ahead about how many different situations you’re likely to need outfits for, and see how few items you can pack that will fulfill those requirements. In other words, choose pieces that are cross-compatible in terms of color and style, so that you can mix and match to create different looks with a minimum of items.

Pay attention to your fabric choices. You don’t want to spend your trip ironing or desperately trying to steam out wrinkles, so when you’re traveling you need to be more careful than usual about selecting fabrics. You know which pieces you have that are a nightmare to maintain versus which ones are low-effort, so pack accordingly. In addition, make performance fabrics a must-have when you’re shopping for new travel outfits, to make your life even easier in the future.

Keep it comfortable. If you just want to get out of your clothes five minutes after you put them on, you’re much more likely to get frustrated with having to wear the same items multiple times. When you’re traveling, it’s more important than ever to lean heavily on your most comfortable clothes, which of course will be the ones made from the highest-quality fabrics that can breathe and move with you through a variety of social situations and weather conditions.

Think carefully about shoes. Footwear takes up a ridiculous amount of space, and shoes can really eat up your luggage weight allowance. So the fewer pairs you can get away with, the better it is if you’re trying to travel light. If you’ve planned your outfits well and everything is coordinated in terms of color scheme, then a couple of pairs might be all you need – one for casual situations, and one to wear to business or evening engagements.

Make the most of the space. Packing well is an acquired skill, and if you don’t already know how, then it’s worth looking at a video tutorial like the one below. You’ll be able to take more things in a smaller bag, and learn some tricks to keep items from moving around and getting creased in transit.

You put a lot of effort into the way you look, and with a little thought and planning, there’s no reason you can’t keep those high standards no matter where you are!  If you want some more ways to keep your look immaculate on trips, check out our helpful tips for traveling in style.

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