Our Biggest News in 25 Years!
After 25 years, we’re continuing our success in a new location! This new store will be just around the corner in the lobby of Two Fountain Square.
As the area’s largest independent menswear store, we strive to stay on the cutting edge of menswear stores. Owner David Eisele travels around the world to visit other independent menswear stores. The ideas he has gathered have been the impetus to create a totally re-imagined concept in menswear shopping.
The space will feature all new, hand selected merchandise. Products will still include everything from dressy casual to professional. Our reputation as the premier custom menswear source will continue and be enhanced with an expanded custom design studio.
Our shoe selection will continue to be the area’s largest designer shoe department, with the most exclusive and distinctive styles you won’t find anywhere else.
We will continue to offer the best shopping experience, with the most comfortable shopping environment imaginable, even offering a refreshment area to enjoy as you shop.
We look forward to sharing updates and developments as the new store is built. In the meantime, we won’t be taking any merchandise with us to the new location, so be sure to take advantage of our Moving Sale!