5 Wardrobe Tips to Advance Your Career

5 Wardrobe Tips to Advance Your Career

Imagine this: you’re preparing for the biggest job interview of your life. Or maybe this scenario: you’ve scheduled a meeting with a prospect you’ve been chasing for many years.

While there are many things you must to do to prepare, you should never overlook the fact that you need to look your best. Not only will this put you in a good light with the other party, but it will also give you an added level of self-confidence.

With all this in mind, here are three wardrobe tips to follow as you attempt to advance your career:

1. Opt for a Custom Fit

Let’s face it: there is nothing worse than wearing a suit off the rack. Not only can this be uncomfortable, but you won’t get the appearance you’re going for.

With a custom fit, you can be rest assured that you will look and feel your best.

2. Choose a Designer Label

It’s not the only thing that matters, but choosing a designer label is one of the better decisions you can make in regards to your wardrobe. Some of the many brands to consider include:

  • Canali
  • Zanella
  • Alberto
  • ETON
  • David’s Signature Brand

3. Focus on the Fabric

It’s easy to believe that one suit is as good as the next. And when viewing these from a distance, this may be the case. However, as you get closer and examine the fabric, you’ll find that nothing could be further from the truth.

Choosing the right fabric can be the difference between extreme comfort and praying for the day to end so you can change. Furthermore, those with an eye for fashion know the difference between high quality and cheap fabric.

4. Emphasize Color Combinations

Can you imagine showing up for a job interview wearing a suit that doesn’t match your dress shirt? Or maybe a shirt that doesn’t match your tie? Everything should come together in regards to your color combination.

5. Final Tip: there is professional help to be had, so don’t shy away from getting all the assistance you need.


It’s not always easy to take your career to the next level, but these wardrobe tips can go a long way in giving you a push in the right direction. If you want to take your look to the next level, contact us to set up an appointment. Make it your goal to look and feel your best at all times!

11921 Freedom Dr. Suite 100 Reston, VA 20190 | 703.904.0011

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